Monday, August 19, 2019

My First Blog

"If I waited for perfection... I would never write a word." Margaret Atwood

True at all! If the Wright brothers waited for perfection, maybe we can not travel through airplanes today. Charles Babbage is not considered as the father of the computer if he really waited for perfection. Margaret Atwood a Canadian poetess and novelist would never write a word if she waited for perfection.
Perfection is not a quality of human beings. In this world no one is perfect. We can be an expert in something but we can not be perfect.
I am Aliya Musavi from Pakistan. This is my first blog. I write for fun. I am interested in poetry, nature, education, cooking, food, craft and much more. I wish I could be counted in best bloggers. For that, I have work too hard.
Perhaps there will be some or many errors in my writing. Feel free to tell. We all learn from our mistakes, so I never mind to be criticized.


  1. Aslam e Qum
    i appreciate welcome to blogger group
    soon i glad to read your articles

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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