Thursday, August 22, 2019

5 Ways to Stop Hair Fall Immediately

Hair plays an essential role in beauty. Your hair is most important for you to look beautiful but due to the chemical product, stress, and season changes we are losing hair day by day. Weak, dry hair, baldness, and double hair is a common problem in our generation.  People use different kinds of product to fight with this problem but after stopping those product cause hair fall again. Here are some tips to stop hair fall naturally.

1-  Take regular hair wash

We should take regular hair wash to prevent oily scalp. Oily scalp and dirt don't let oxygen enter into our hair roots that cause dull hair and broken hair. If someone says to you washing hair daily is not good for hair please don't take this myth seriously. Have you ever noticed when you wash your hair, on that day you lossless hair? After 3 to 4 days of hair wash you again lose hair fastly. If you didn't notice do it today.

2-Oil massage on scalp

There are many oils to apply on your hair. Coconut and olive oil is very good chose for stopping fair fall.  Coconut and olive oil is full of nutrients that make hair beautiful, silky and smooth. You should apply daily any essential oil on your scalp and massage gently 10 to 15 minutes at night and wash your hair in the morning.

3-  Don't brush in wet hair

Do you know your damaging your hair when you comb on wet hair? When hair is wet, water weakens bonds of hair that are the reason for breakage of hair. Wait till your hair get dry naturally then use a wide-toothed comb for brushing your hair.

4- Keep yourself hydrated

Drink 8-9 glasses of water in a day to maintain your hair health.  Keeping yourself hydrated is vital for your hair. If you don't drink proper water your hair becomes dry and it loses the beauty.

5- add vitamins and protein in your diet

Your diet affects on your skin, hair, and body. One must eat a balanced diet to look beautiful and attractive. Your hair is very important for you so you must take care of your hair and take proper food that contains proteins and vitamins. Add egg, berries, walnut and other healthy green vegetables in your diet for your hair health.

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