Thursday, August 22, 2019

10 ways to be happy in your life

Happiness is an inner feeling. It doesn't come with money it comes with peace and harmony. If you're happy you also make happy to others. But nowadays people live a very stressful life. They have everything but still, they want more and their that habit makes them unhappy. We are an advanced generation but still, we can't make ourselves happy. We should try to be glad of what we have because there are some people in our lived whose happiness depends on us. There are some rules if you follow them in hard time you maybe feel better. These rules are as following;

1- Be you

Being you is very essential to live a happy life. We should not become copycat. We should not follow anyone advice about ourselves. You must know how you are, you're the best and original piece. You don't need to change yourself for others. 

2- Do what you love

The second factor to be happy is to do what you love. Whatever you do, it must be your choice.  Don't let others dominate on you and on your thoughts. God gives you one life so you must choose and live your life according to your taste.

3- Stop comparing yourself 

Never ever compare yourself with anyone. As I earlier mentioned you must know who you are. You must know your worthiness. Appreciate other qualities but don't try to adopt it because everyone has it's ow qualities. You can't be like someone else and someone else can't be like you. So you must understand that there is no comparison in life.

4- Compare yourself who have less than you

Some people have comparison habit. They always compare their things, thoughts, lifestyle even their loved ones with others. If you have this type of habit don't worry I have a good suggestion for you, now whenever you compare yourself with others you must take care that you have to compare yourself with those who have less then you. It makes you feel better and you will feel grateful to God.

5- Stop worrying about future 

If you want to fill your life with joy, you must not think about the future. Sometimes we overthink about something that never going to happen in our lives, that thing destroys our present life too. We feel insecure when we think the upcoming event of the future so one must
enjoy his present moment and forget about the future. 

6- Expect less

Expectation always hurts. Have you ever noticed when someone can't up to be our expectations we say him, I didn't expect this from you? It means that the person didn't hurt us but our expectations hurt us. So we must expect very little from others or even expect nothing is much better for a happy life

7- Follow forgive and forget rule

If somebody does wrong with you and you don't forgive him. He will always be in your mind and heart. You always burning in flames of revenge. Whenever you listen to his name you lose your control. And this only hurts you so try to follow forgive and forget the rule. If you apply F rule in your life you feel free from jealousy, anger, and anxiety. 

8- Accept imperfection

Nobody in this world is perfect. Everyone has their own weaknesses. If you think yourself a perfect person you're on wrong track, one can be expert in something but can't be perfect on that thing. Perfection is not the quality of human and imperfection is awesome in many ways so we must accept imperfection and weaknesses. There is no shy to accept it.

9- Ignore negativity 

Around you, there will be 1000 negative person. Try to avoid them. This is not only good for your mental health but also good for your inner peace. Inner peace is very crucial for a happy life so you must take care and don't pay attention to negativity. 

10- Give time to yourself 

If you want to be happy you must give time to yourself. You're the most important person for yourself. You must understand that if I myself don't care myself nobody else will care about me. You must spend 15 to 20 minutes in a day with yourself.

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10 ways to be happy in your life

Happiness is an inner feeling. It doesn't come with money it comes with peace and harmony. If you're happy you also make happy to...