Wednesday, August 21, 2019

10 ways to make your skin healthier

Skin is the largest cell of our body and the beauty of men or women depends on it. Skin matters to all of us. If your skin is healthy and fresh you look young and confident. But if you have dull skin you will look old, you will not look elegant that's why you may lose your confidence. If you want to look younger, attractive, and confident you must take care of your skin. Here are some tips to make your skin younger and healthier.

1- Protect yourself from the sun

We must protect ourselves from the Sunrays. As Sunrays have Ultra Violet (UV) rays that cause sunburn as well as skin cancer. Sunburn makes our skin darker. So You may use sunblock to protect yourself from UV rays.

2- Drink water

Water is vital for skin freshness. It not only make your skin hydrated, tight and toned but it also cleansed toxins from our body that help our skin to look ageless. We must drink 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day.

3- Moisturize your skin

Moisturizer is good for the skin. The skin has 60% moisturizer to look young and healthy. If your skin is dry you should keep your shower short 10-15 minutes per day. One must stop using a product that makes skin dry and tries to moisturize the skin with any good lotion.

4- Treat skin gently

We all should treat our skin gently. We should not rub or scrub it hard. If we do so our skin pores get larger that cause blackheads and snatch the beauty of the skin.

5- Exfoliating your face

Human skin naturally gives out dead skin cells every month to make a place for new cells. So we must exfoliate our skin every month with scrub, using natural products or using exfoliating tools.

6- Minimize makeup product

Nowadays, women are applying makeup on a regular basis. If you want good for your skin please stop makeup in your routine life. It does not only consume your money but also destroying your skin. Makeup cause irritation,  wrinkles, clogged pores, pimples, and acne. It also causes dry skin and skin cancer.

7- Stop smoking/ Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol make your skin dull and tired. When you consume alcohol it dehydrates the skin and greatly reduced nutrients that make the skin fresh and glowing.

8- Eat healthy food

Eating habits effects on our skin too. If you eat healthy and hydrated food it directly makes skin beautiful and ageless. Try to add vitamins in your daily diet. If you eat junk food your skin lost its beauty. So one must take a balanced diet.

9- Manage stress

Stress causes sensitive and reactive skin. Have you ever noticed before party night you got pimples or acne on your face? Have you ever think what's the reason behind this? The reason behind this is a stressful routine. Hormones make due to stress makes our skin more oily that may cause acne, pimples, rashes, itching, and breakouts.

10- Take proper rest

Looking beautiful, fresh and ageless one must take care of his sleep. If you can't sleep properly you feel disturbed and it also matters to your skin. You must sleep 8-9 hours in a day to look flawless.

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